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Simple No sew Christmas Tree skirt

We got our Christmas Tree yesterday, while shopping for ornaments I came across the Christmas tree skirts. The skirts that they were selling were over $20, some were $30 which I thought was completely ridiculous considering its just a bit of fabric. I figured why pay for one, when I can just easyly make one :)

Fabric big enough to make as big of a skirt as you want
Fabric scissors
Pot Lid ( I used a small one)
Fabric Marker/Pen/Pencil
Acrylic ruler

1.I grabbed an old fleece Christmas blanket folded it in quarters.

2.Take your fabric scissors cut it from the bottom left corner to the top right corner.

3. Fold that in Quarters.

4. Cut this piece from the bottom left corner IN A CURVE to the top right corner.

5. Unfold it, You should have a circle. I made mine last night, and Our little one had the phone so I couldnt take pics..lol

6. Take your circle, put your pot lid right in the middle of it and trace it.

7.Take your ruler and draw a straight line from the traced circle to the edge of your fabric.

8.Take your scissors cut down that straight line til you get to the traced circle and cut the circle out and there you go, you have your Christmas tree skirt.


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